- second
- seconds
- minute
- minutes
- hour
- hours
- days
- Loading survey...
- last saved
- saving...

- uploading images...

- saving stored responses...

- updating...

- I'm done!
- Return To Map
- Save
- please answer all required questions!
- please correct invalid questions!
Thank you for completing the evaluation!
- My LiveShop Rewards
Sorry, your web browser is not supported.
Local storage is required, and this web browser does not support it. Please upgrade your browser and try again.
Using "private browsing" or "incognito" mode can also have the side effect of disabling local storage; if you are using one of those, turn it off and try again.
Please open this survey in a standard browser (like Chrome).
Your current browser/application is not compatible with this survey, so please try:
- Copying and pasting this link into a standard browser:
- "Long Pressing" [Android] or "Force pressing" [iOS] that link to "share" or open in another browser
- Looking for an option (possibly in a " ⋮ " icon) to "Open in browser"
- This question requires functionality only found in the latest version of the PrestoShopper App.
Sorry, your app version or web browser is not supported for this survey.
This survey requires functionality that your app version or browser does not support. Please upgrade and try again.
Using "private browsing" or "incognito" mode can also have the side effect of disabling local storage; if you are using one of those, turn it off and try again.
- Sorry, linked survey question {question-id} is not linked to a survey.
Sorry, there was an unrecoverable error loading this survey.
If you currently have a weak internet connection, please wait until your connection improves, and refresh this page.
Sorry, this survey cannot be displayed; it is likely that it does not have any questions yet.
- This evaluation requires a target, but no list of targets was provided.
- uploading...

- preprocessing image...

- sending image...

- uploading image...

- uploading image ......

- processing result...

- success!
- upload failed. try again later.
- you are currently offline. please try again once online.
- working on it...

- already done; open the help panel and try reloading.
- save timed out; retrying
- no internet connection detected
- connection established!
- Internet Explorer 10 (or Firefox or Chrome) is required for image uploads.
- Sorry, only accepting images at this time..
- Could not obtain file from device. Please select file again from library. If that still does not work, upload from a different browser or device.
- Determining location...

- Location found; checking distance...

- Sorry, there was an error trying to store the geocode.
- Sorry, the request to store the position has timed out. Please check your connection and try again.
- Sorry, the request to verify the location has timed out. Please check your connection and try again.
- Could not obtain geocode.
- Sorry, received an empty geocode.
- Sorry, this survey requires a geolocation, and your browser does not support it. Please upgrade and try again.
Location Not Verified - Too Far Away
Please click here when you are at the location (this will unlock the survey):
Location Verified - Survey Unlocked!
Warning: We're finding you to be {dist} from the shop location, which may be too far away for this shop to be accepted.
Sure you're in the right place?
Report a Location Problem
- Thank you! You are close enough to the location.
- Thank you for checking in.
- Click when at
- Click when you arrive at the shop location.
- Verify Current Location
- Retry Current Location
- Reverify Location (optional)
- loading coupon...

- Value must be at least {min-val}.
- Value must be at most {max-val}.
- Value may have at most {max-dec} decimal places.
- Field value must be a number (no letters).
- To save coupon to your device's photo library: Touch and hold the coupon image, then select "Save Image".
- To save coupon to your computer: Right-click (Control-click for Macs) on the image and select "Save Image".
- Choose one
- Choose one or more
- Sorry, the survey definition appears to be invalid.
- Sorry, the evaluation (or survey) definition appears to be invalid.
The help panel may offer some assistance.
- (an unknown distance)
- Filter items...
- (unsupported question type)
- Sorry; this survey contains question types that are incompatible with a zoom setting.
- The survey is misconfigured; it has no questions.
- The survey is misconfigured; there are too many targets in the subform target group.
- The survey is misconfigured; there are no targets in the subform target group.
- Value does not match pattern.
- Value must match this pattern:
- "#" is a digit
- "x" is a lower-case letter
- "X" is a letter
- Response must be at least {num} characters long.
- Response must be at most {num} characters long.
- Response must be at least {min} and at most {max} characters long.
- May have at most {max-checked} options selected.
- Must have at least {min-checked} options selected.
- Enter barcode digits
- Scanning for barcode...
- Barcode scan not attempted; device might not be capable, or software not up to date.
- Barcode not found; please try again. Make sure the barcode is clearly visible.
- Barcode value:
- Image scan not attempted; device might not be capable, or software not up to date.
- Image labels not found; please try again. Make sure the objects in the image are clearly visible.
- Image contains:
- Image text scan not attempted; device might not be capable, or software not up to date.
- Image text not found; please try again. Make sure the text is clearly visible.
- Image text contains:
- You must prequalify for this shop:
- View more info
- (map not available)
- This question type is disabled in preview mode.
- Incomplete response.
- Tap to view
- There is a problem with this survey's configuration. Please contact support.
- If you have any questions about this shop contact {contact-email}.
- If you fail to complete this shop within the allowed time, the shop will be marked as abandoned and you will be ineligible to claim a shop at this location for {duration}.
- 8z1d4NFRmXhgzVXTQcknELlnTb0g66ysxwd2c-qZQYc